Blog: P2P
Every second that passes by, data is constantly being upload in networks or on the internet. With some much data being used online, it's common for user to want to share certain data to other users. How can users transfer information and data through the internet? One way is called file sharing. File sharing is the action of transmitting and sharing computer data within a network or on the internet through different access levels. File sharing allows users to transmit and access data from one computer to another. on the website Margomin, it describes file sharing as an efficient way for users "to work on documents regardless of their location or computer access." More specially, when it is a file sharing from peer to peer which "allows individuals to access media files using software program that searches and locates computers that have the file that is wanted" is called P2P file sharing (peer-to-peer file sharing). Nowadays, there are many examples of P2P file sharing, as Google Drive allows users to share files online through its network of software program. Users can work on the same document or presentation at the same time or at different times as long they have connection to the internet. Another example is Apple's iCloud, as users can share pictures and documents on the same platform as well.
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