Blog Social Networking

What are some ways (corporate and otherwise) that these technologies can be used? What are the benefits of these technologies to society? Be specific. Is there a "dark side"? Make sure to include your opinion of the way these technologies might evolve in the future.

Blogging has came a long way as it became a main staple in our culture, as it allows anyone to share their ideas and allow their voices to be heard by a large audience. It has came in many different shapes and forms in different media. It can be used to networking with various people worldwide, improve your writing skills, provide flexibility of working hours and improve one's photographic, videography and presentation skills as explain in "Top Must-Read Advantages if blogging".

There are many benefits that these technologies give to society, as blogs can help many business firms and organization in order to grow and reach a new market. As reported by Kristen McCormick in "Why Your Business Needs a Blog" as "blogging helps to show the personality, information, and experience that will distinguish your business from competitors and even compete against larger companies." It would be a channel of direct communications with your followers. It can provide you with a source of income and provide you with opinions such as being online marketer but send knowledge to other people such as reviews, how-tos, and guides for others.

Overall blog social networking has a lot benefits, but the only "dark side" that there is the powerful influence power that it can have. We're in an age with different political views, a lot of misleading or non-fact checked information can be easily share and influence many users and providing them with false information which can be dangerous for anyone leading to many disagreements.

Works Cited

  • McCormick, Published by Kristen. “Why Your Business Needs a Blog | ThriveHive.” ThriveHive,, 7 Dec. 2016,
  • Stephenson, Reji. “Top Must-Read​​ Advantages of Blogging.” DIGITAL DIMENSIONS, 27 Apr. 2014,


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