HW Creativity

In the past 20 years, we as a society has enter a new cultural age, in the form of media. Media has allow anyone with the access to computers and the media to create their own content. The beauty of media is that it allows many people to have a voice that they once might not have before. This allows users to foster their own creativity. It been recently been boosted with the help of advancement in media. As reported in The New York Times, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Followers", Twitter was just a "bare-bone" social media platform only allowing the user to type 140 characters. Then "Twitter users will discover two new features, Lists and Retweets, that had the same user-generated beginnings." These are new features they enhance the availability of the user and share their tweets to other people. Also the hashtag feature enables creativity for user to add their own personal touch on their tweets. Users on social media has creativity and an image on what and how they want to present themselves to everyone else. But they are either limited or supported by the media platform itself as shown with Twitter as it grew and add features in order to cater to its growing user base, "Up next are two new features that were also inspired by users," as reported in The York Times article, "Twitter Serves Up Ideas From its Followers."

User love to have the power to foster their creativity, and many media platform know that in order to beat their competition, "Why are people using this and how could we make that better?" is the question that many top officials at Twitter make. Twitter is a prime example that show its gives power to the user, "People can create lists of all the tweets written by Hollywood celebrities or politicians, for example. Lists will help new users figure out whom to follow and help avid users filter their overflowing streams of posts" is another way that media foster creativity.

Miller, Claire Cain. “Twitter Serves Up Ideas From Its Users - The New York Times.” The New York Times - Breaking News, US News, World News and Videos, 25 Oct. 2009, https://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/26/technology/internet/26twitter.html.



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